Monday, November 16, 2020

new normal

"New normal"

What does that mean?
I don't know about you, but to me there's nothing "normal" about any of this...

About a year ago I started this blog
Propelled by my own career experiences to write
To share with other physicians
So that they might learn from my success and failures
And be inspired to create a career that is both fulfilling and joyful

I also wanted to help patients who are overwhelmed
By the complexities and inconsistencies in our healthcare system
Preventing them from getting the care they need and want

There were periods of time that I couldn't wait to write
And then other moments when I didn't know what to say

The last few months have been one of those "moments"

I have more time with each patient now
Due to social distancing, sanitation of high contact surfaces and other guidelines
In addition to focusing on my patients' healthcare concerns, the costs of prescription drugs and recommended testing,
I now spend time discussing the pandemic, our nation's political strife...
And how I don't have the answers

What I do know is that the pandemic has forever changed us
Now more than ever we should strive to be innovative, entrepreneurial, flexible, and more humanitarian

And perhaps less polarized...

"New normal"???

How about "better normal"?