Wednesday, August 7, 2019


"Everything is negotiable. Whether or not the negotiation is easy is another thing." Carrie Fisher

This is an important concept to remember when transitioning from residency training to your first clinical job or as you segue from one clinical job to the next.

My youngest daughter begins her first year of medical school this week. I've glanced at her curriculum which includes Anatomy, Cell Biology, and Development of Clinical Skills. Notably absent are courses on Operations Management, Finance, Strategy, Healthcare Economics, and Negotiation.

Because the delivery of healthcare is a business in the United States, I feel the basic tenets of business education should be introduced to future physicians beginning early in their training. So that they may be better equipped to work as part of the team of people taking care of patients. So that they may be better prepared to negotiate employment contracts, payer contracts, etc... So that they may better understand how their "work product" affects the company bottom line.

Specifically, understanding the concept of BATNA can aid future physicians in positioning themselves in the best financial situation. Thereby avoiding further accrual of debt, avoiding burnout, avoiding being taken advantage of. Leading to less stress, better productivity and yes, better outcomes for patients.

Learn how to negotiate. Remember, there is no healthcare without the fundamental physician-patient relationship.

You are in the driver's seat.

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