Thursday, May 7, 2020

a really big wave

Here we are in May 2020
Where did February through April go?
What happened?!
And why didn't we see this wave coming?
Why weren't we better prepared?

A pandemic wave
World War III
An invisible enemy
Many words and phrases to describe the unthinkable
A never-before-seen virus which has killed 100's of thousands across the globe
Which has crippled economies
And its effects aren't over yet...

What have we learned?
How have our lives changed?
Will we be able to ever return to the way it was before?
And should we return to the way it was before?

I encourage everyone to step back and view this through a wider lens
Not from the spherical bubble from which we live our lives
What positive changes have we made personally, spiritually, professionally?
Which of these changes can we maintain going forward?

The new normal might just be what we all need...

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